Linton purpose-built indoor switchroom

Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Monopoles and wires coming from the new Linton Substation building

The $5 million upgrade of the Linton substation in now complete.

The upgrade, one of a number of projects to expand, renew and rebalance our assets and ensure our Palmerston North customers have continued security of power supply, saw the once outdoor electrical equipment brought indoors. A purpose-built facility now houses upgraded switchgear and other electrical equipment at the Linton site.

In a separate project totalling $5.1 million, two new underground 33kV electricity circuits – with 41,000m of cable installed – were created from 2019 to early 2022 from the Linton substation to the new Ferguson St substation.

Underground cabling was installed in mid-2022 between our Main and Ferguson Street substations, after which temporary overhead lines and power poles between the Keith and Main Street substations is being removed (mid-November 2022). 

Photo above: Monopoles support the 33kV connection from Linton, before it goes into underground cabling to the Ferguson St substation.

The finished Linton substation switchroom. 

Above: The new indoor switchroom at Linton substation. 

 Beginning of trenching for underground cables at Haurongo Farm, Massey University.

Above: The beginning of trenching for underground cables at Haurongo Farm, Massey University.

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